Connection Based Coaching

A special cohort for TFFC Tutors.

Use Coupon Code “TFFC” for 90% off!

Build trust, hold space, facilitate transformation.

Coaching is a unique opportunity to co-create a healing environment that supports personal transformation.

Different than therapy or tutoring, Connection Based Coaching doesn’t focus on trying to change behavior or encourage a particular path, it instead gives you tools to meet a person where they are, establish a connection, and then support them in building self acceptance and confidence as well as the tools to create healthy relationships. As more desires and goals are revealed, a coach can support their clients with a blend of mindset work and strategic advising, all of course, with consent.

TFFC’s Connection Based Coaching Training for Tutors kicks off with an in person training on Saturday April 1 from 10-2 and then meets on Zoom on the first and third Wednesday of the month (time TBD based on availability.)

Watch this 5 minute video to learn more about the Connection Based Coach Training offered by Tidewater Friends of Foster Care.

Over our 6 months together, you’ll learn:

Use the coupon code “TFFC” to receive 90% off tuition.

In an effort to create more positive impact in the lives of youth with lived experience in the foster care system, Tidewater Friends of Foster Care has made this program accessible to their tutors to continue their education and provide additional support to their clients.

Meet your instructor,
Erin Lindstrom

Erin Lindstrom has been coaching clients for the last 13 years to build confidence, acceptance, and trust in self while taking aligned action towards their goals.

In 2018 she launched her program, Better Coach Training, to support coaches, consultants, and professionals in creating consensual coaching experiences and in 2020, Dynamic Coach Training which teaches how to build your coaching business alongside Connection Based Coaching Skills.

Erin holds a Bachelor’s Degree from Northeastern University where she studied International Affairs and Elementary Education, she then studied Holistic Health Coaching at The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and has completed a number of additional trainings in various healing fields such as Trauma-Informed Foster Parent Training, Embody Dance, Breathwork Facilitator Training, Sound Bowl Healing, and more.

Erin’s approach to coaching is based on consent-based conscious communication that acknowledges the truth of lived experience of the client, the patriarchal-capitalistic world we live in, and the incredible potential we all have.

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