31 journal prompts to build entrepreneurial trust
Make a list of 20+ things you’re great at or have done well
List 20+ times you’ve been helpful
Give yourself 3 “Thank You’s” or awards that someone forgot to give you.
List 5-10 times you messed up
Return to the list from number 4 and write what you learned from each mess up
Answer the question, “how am I different now?”
Name 3-5 people/characters/animals/plants you admire and then list 3-5 of the characteristics you appreciate of each
What if life is unfair?
What if you luck is real and you are lucky?
Write a letter to yourself
What did you learn about money as a kid?
How do you feel about money now? What are your regular thoughts and beliefs around money?
How do you want to feel about money? What would you like your regular thoughts and beliefs around money to be?
Check back for the rest of the 31 prompts as they’re released on TikTok!
Grab my free sales and money mindset course, Shiny Sales, here.